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Executive sales person -  FULL TIME


We are currently seeking to recruit an executive sales person to join our current team in sales. The successful candidate should have at least 2 years of experience in the field and should be able to understand the customer needs while having the ability to suggest ideas regarding interior design.

We are currently searching for a person with the following set of skills:

  • Communication Skills

  • Alert, smart, goal oriented and have a positive negotiating attitude

  • Capable to manage social media platforms (Facebook)

  • Customer Service Skills

  • Proficiency skill on a Windows Computer

  • Fluent in both Maltese and English (reading and writing)

  • Marketing or Design qualifications will be considered an asset

  • Any previous experience in the same sector is required

An attractive package will be offered to the successful candidate.



Store Keeper Assistant -  FULL TIME / PART TIME




Qegħdin infittxu 'storekeeper' affidabbli ghal xoghol gewwa mahzen f'ghawdex.

L individwu importanti li:

  • Ikun jinsab f’pussess ta licenzja kategorija B. L-applikanti li ghandhom licenzja b’kategorija C1 jigu preferuti.

  • Ikun kapaci jahdem fuq inizjattiva tieghu stess.

  • Ikun bniedem affidabli u onest.

  • Ikollu kondotta nadifa.


Jekk int interessat ibatilna l-esperenza tieghek f’forma ta ‘CV’ sabiex inkunu nistaw nikkuntattjawk lura.




We are looking for a reliable store keeper to fill up a vacancy here in Gozo. 

The individual is important to:

  • Have a valid driving license category B. Holding a category C1 license will be considered an asset.

  • Be capable of working on own initiative.

  • Have a clean police conduct.

  • Be trustworthy


If you are interested kindly click the apply button below, fill up the information needed and we will contact you back. 

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